Thesecond digitin a NOC code identifies the TEER. There are five Skill Levels, and each one is associated with the second digit of the NOC code for instance: where the second digit is 0, the TEER skill level is 0. Where the second digit is 1, the TEER skill level is 1 and so on...
如果你选择的NOC code和你的工作经历不匹配,那么你的移民申请很有可能会被拒。之前就有个客户C先生做...
了解全部职业NOC代码,可查询: 值得注意的是: 在新的2021版NOC职业代码实施后,EE快速通道对级别的要求保持不变,仍为0/A/B类职位对应新版为TEER 0/1/2/3类,...
Along with having their primary occupation of NOC 1114 [Other financial officers], the candidates were also required to be able to provide letters of reference from employers demonstrating that they have 4 or more years of experience in NOC code 1114. National Occupational Classification [NOC] code...
Find the Occupations Highly in Demand in Canada| Explore the Canada NOC list and choose the most suitable NOC code for your Canada PR.