NOC是National Occupational Classification的缩写,最新的版本为2016版本(之前是NOC 2011),不论是CEC,还是FSW,大部分的移民类别都要求申请人有至少1年的工作经验,并且职位为NOC 0, A, B类。所谓的skilled worker, 其前提就是申请人具备0 A B 类别工作经验。 以FSW为例,“Your work experience must be atSkill ...
NOC是National Occupational Classification的缩写,最新的版本为2016版本(之前是NOC 2011),不论是CEC,还是FSW,大部分的移民类别都要求申请人有至少1年的工作经验,并且职位为NOC 0, A, B类。 以FSW为例,“Your work experience must be at Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B of the 2016 National Occupati...
The NOC engineer job description includes the following responsibilities: To ensure maximum possible service availability and performance. Monitor Systems: They monitor the performance and capability of computer systems using diversified tools. They figure out the malfunctioning of hardware, software, and ...