Shortcoming is part of human nature, so just be nice to it. 有一句著名的中国谚语,金无足赤,人无完人。但只有很少人意识到这句话的本意。接受不完美是每个人都应该学习的课程。他们抱怨的东西也许在别人的眼里反而是优点。缺点是人类本性的一部分,所以要乐于接受自己的缺点。 Nowadays, people are easy ...
After the T tube drainage is the choledoch incision exploratory operation the commonly used drainage method, its goal is the drainage bile, eliminates the bile duct to infect, is advantageous for treats the bile duct remaining stone, prevents the cholerrhagia and the bile duct narrow basic techn...
"The surface [of a catheter] is a perfect breeding ground for microbes," says consultant microbiologist David Partridge, Research Lead for the Directorate of Laboratory Medicine at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Bacteria can gather on the surface and form tight-knit communities kno...