If you do get Medraut, or Merlin (a Monster that can allow the player to Special Summon a Noble Knight from the Main Deck), in the opening, you should look to target either Borz or Drystan. In most cases, you’ll want Borz, particularly when you’re in Turn 1 or 2. Noble Knight...
額外怪獸必須正規召喚過送墓才可以用(2)效果特召。 範例牌組(Example Deck) 2015/10/01 參考來源 因為聖騎士多為光暗,投入了開闢當作第二王牌,並且透過效果分隔士,對抗那些不取對象的清場怪獸,同時效分是協調怪的特性也能夠成為同步素材之一, 再透過凱薩競技場壓制對手超量及同步,達到聖騎士無雙的壓場能力。 文...