Origin: Greek and French name for boys Meaning:“Noble and wellborn” Pronunciation:“yoo-jeen” Length: 6 letters, 2 syllables Popularity/Rank: #934 Namesakes: Disney name after the fictional character Eugene (first introduced as Flynn Rider), the partner of Disney princess Rapunzel in...
She wanted to go to the Planet of the Boys because she thought it would exist due to her logic, and dressed as a wench. Instead, the Doctor took her to Calibris as he needed parts for the TARDIS. She compared the planet to a space version of King's Cross station. She gave her wa...
68 French FM 2429 LMG mg 1 69 Fusil Automatique Modele 1917 rifle 1 70 Gatling Gun historical 5 71 GAU - 19 minigun 2 72 GAU-12/U Equalizer minigun 2 73 Gepard rifle 1 74 Glock 18 pistol 12 75 Glock 26 compact 3 76 GOL Sniper sniper 2 77 GPMG mg 1 78 Grand Power K100 pistol...