Announcements of Nobel Prize 2022 winners are under process. Know the winners list for Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Peace and Literature.
THE 2022 IG NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS APPLIED CARDIOLOGY PRIZE:Eliska Prochazkova, Elio Sjak-Shie, Friederike Behrens, Daniel Lindh, and Mariska Kret, for seeking and finding evidence that when new romantic partners meet for the first time, and feel attracted to each other, their heart rates synchron...
2022年诺贝尔奖音乐会(Nobel Prize Concert)完整版。 奥地利指挥家曼弗雷德·霍内克(Manfred Honeck)率领皇家斯德哥尔摩爱乐乐团参加了这场为纪念诺贝尔奖获得者而举办的音乐会。
北京时间10月3日,“2022年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖”获奖名单揭晓,瑞典科学家Svante Pääbo获得奖项,以表彰他对已灭绝人种的基因组和人类进化的发现。他将获得1000万瑞典克朗奖金(约合642万元人民币)。 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medici...
北京时间10月6日下午19:00,2022年诺贝尔文学奖揭晓:法国作家安妮·埃尔诺(Annie Ernaux)获奖。 “以表彰她以勇气和敏锐揭开了个人记忆的根源、隔阂和集体束缚” The 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded to the French author Annie Ernaux “for the courage...
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2022:安妮·埃尔诺 单就语言文化而言,中国同世界是联通的,世界对中国也是包容的。 诺贝尔文学奖的评选,虽然不能代表全部人类,却也能反映相当一部分人群的共鸣,特别处在同一发展阶段的群体的共鸣。 诺贝尔文学奖的获奖作品,似乎不必体现所谓的思想、哲学等,呈现在世界人民面前的,往往都...
With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 954 individuals and 27 organisations. 在1901年至2022年期间,诺贝尔奖和纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的瑞典央行经济科学奖向989个人和组织颁发了615次。由于有些人不止一次获得诺贝尔奖,这总共有954个人和27个组织。
Researchers from the University of Catania in Italy won the economics prize, their second Ig Nobel award, for showing that success most often goes to the luckiest people rather than the smartest.1 Their first prize in 2010 was for demonstrating mathematically that organisations would become more ...
In early October, the 2022 Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖) in literature (文学) went to the 82-year-old French writer Annie Ernaux. The Nobel Prize winners’ works are the best of our time. But how many of them did you ever try to read? I only read two Nobel Prize winners’ books in the...
诺贝尔奖公告即将发布The Nobel Prize物理- 10 月 4 日星期二,欧洲中部时间最早 11:45化学- 10 月 5 日星期三,欧洲中部时间最早 11:45文学- 10 月 6 日星期四,欧洲中部时间最早 13:00和平- 10 月 7 日星期五,欧洲中部标准时间 11:00经济科学– 10 月 10 日星期一,欧洲