The Bible story of Noah’s Ark is a great lesson in obedience for children and adults alike. Noah found the Lord’s favor, and did exactly as God desired, building a boat to house his family and many animals as well. This is also a great story for children to learn about God’s pr...
“My son Noah built New/Ark and I stood proudly at the helm. As we sailed on a soft summer day I turned myself into myself and was Jesus. Men intone my loving name. All praises all praises I am the one who would save” (Verse 5). In this verse, Nikki shows us that she is ...
"Noah" Paramount Pictures Scientists at the University of Leicester have discovered that Noah's Ark could have carried 70,000 animals without sinking if built from the dimensions listed in The Bible. Noah's Ark would have floated even with two of every animal in the world packed inside, scien...
Join Noah, his sons, and a bunch of ark animals as you learn 25 Bible verses from the Old and New Testament! Each verse runs through 5 stages of increasing diff…
I now confirm[v] my covenant with you and your descendants after you[w] 10 and with every living creature that is with you, including the birds, the domestic animals, and every living creature of the earth with you, all those that came out of the ark ...
7203 ark, Noah’s Expand 7227 flood, the 7227 flood, the A universal catastrophe by means of which the world was overwhelmed by water as... 7259 promised land, later history of 7259 promised land, later history of Established firmly in the land under David and ...