诊断书(6 SONGS) mixKICKIN TRASH chrSCUMBAG chrStupid chrTELL ME THAT YOU’RE OKAY chrUnderachiever mixWORMS (In my Brain) 删除这些广告。 找不到你要找的这位艺术家的歌曲?那真是太可惜了。很抱歉,UkuTabs没有你的歌曲。你可以在请求页上请求你的歌曲。我将尽快把它添加到UkuTabs的档案中。
Genres:british,pop punk,pop rock,punk rock. All songs by NOAHFINNCE 增强您的尤克里里弹奏技巧、高级技巧和每周小贴士 通过先进的击弦法技巧、专家提示以及最新的尤克里里新闻和流行标签,提高你的尤克里里技巧。击弦是尤克里里演奏的心脏--它为每首曲子设定节奏并注入活力...。
Penelope Scott - "Baxter 3rd Is Under Fucking Siege" Some songs sound the way it feels to have a rib out of place But I ran all of my errands And all of my ribs are quite in The animals are quiet And all the things are in the bin I put them in there... carolesdaughter - "...