Noah crafts for kids. These Noah themed Bible crafts that are perfect for Sunday School, VBS, Homeschooling or Bible activities at home. Help kids learn about the Noah and the Ark while having fun crafting!
You will love this super easy and funNoah’s Ark popsicle stick craftidea. Kids love working with popsicle sticks and we’ve also got a free animal template so your kids can practice cutting and coloring. This would be a great activity for the preschool or Sunday school classroom. Check it...
Kids will enjoy learning about the Old Testament Bible story ofNoahs Ark for kidswhile creating this fun and colorfulNoah’s ark Craft. This fun, freenoah’s ark craft printableis a siple, but super cuteBible Craft for kids! Make this craft with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, fi...
The ark floated on the water and all the high mountains were completely covered with water. Every living thing died on the earth that wasn't in the ark. So the rain came for 40 days and nights but when it stopped Noah and the animals couldn't just leave the ark. There was too much...
The mini-books are quite simple with images that should appeal to young children and words that children in Grade 1 thru 3 should be able to read themselves.Feel free to make as many copies as you need (just don't sell them as they're meant to be free for all to use. *grin*).Us...
DLTK's Bible Worksheets for KidsNoah Word Wall Words by Leanne GuentherWord wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.How to use word wall words:...