Student / Co-op / Intern. To view examples of keyword search parameters. Climate Prediction Center El Niño/La Niña. AAO, AO, NAO, PNA. Help us improve temperature and precipitation outlooks. ENSO Diagnostic Discussion : La Niña Advisory Still In Effect (8 Feb 2018)...
Ah, well. Here on the north coast of California it’s raining, which is always a wondrous thing. The leaves on all of the plants are getting a brisk washing, the trees are shrouded in a luminous mist. The only dissenter is the cat … Best to all, in sunshine or rain, w. Note:I...
Basu S, Guerlet S, Butz A, Houweling S, Hasekamp O, Aben I, Krummel P, Steele P, Langenfelds R, Torn M, Biraud S, Stephens B, Andrews A and Worthy D 2013 Global COfluxes estimated from GOSAT retrievals of total column CO2;Atmos. Chem. Phys.8695–8717,. Remote Sensing3270–304....
High Performance Computer Coastal Ocean Modeling Framework for the NOS Costal Operational Forecast System; NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 069; U.S. Department of Commerce: Silver Spring, MD, USA, 2014. Available online: Report_NOS_...