Weather Monviso Weather Weather Live Forecast Weather SimpleWeather - A weather app Weather Local Weather: YaWa Weather Ultimate Weather Weather Sunny: Weather Forecast Weather 1Daylight Weather Weather Lite: Minimalist Weather Brezza Weather Weather...
San FranciscoSailing Weather San Francisco Bay Wednesday March 19 2025 13:41 PDT NOAA Forecast TODAY...S wind around 5 kt, veering to SW this afternoon. Waves around 2 ft or less. A chance of rain late. TONIGHT...SW wind 5 to 10 kt, veering to W after midnight. Waves around 2 f...
Live Radar: High-resolution, interactive maps with vivid colors show rain, snow, and mixed precipitation in your area. Precipitation Forecast: Plan your day with a detailed precipitation map for the next 24 hours. Cloud Cover: See what's brewing above with clear satellite imagery. ...
This is especially useful in locations with highly dynamic weather patterns and is a great tool for being outdoors, such as for predicting powder ski days.-View forecast & current conditions for your current location.-View forecast & current conditions for any location in the United States by ...
Forecast & Advisories Almanac WU History Drought Maps Drought Maps3 CWOP Status Severe Weather Precipitation Forecasts MidWestern Weather Network NorthLands Weather History Links About Status RSS Feed Alternete Website Website Map Mobile Version NorthLands Weather for your SmartPhone Scan With Your...
Search for your location easily You can toggle between different cities or spy on the weather conditions in other places around the globe. You can quickly access your favorite locations and check the weather forecast. Radar satellite and precipitation forecast ...
eWeather HD is the most informative and beautiful weather app for MacOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Android devices. Get accurate 10-day weather forecast, hourly forecast, hi-def radar, tide predictions, barometer, push weather alerts, sea surface tem
• Check the App Privacy section. We don't know who you are when you are using iSailGPS. We never send your current location or your recorded track to our servers. Hence we cannot and don't use your location data. We cannot and don't provide your location data to anyone else. Unl...
Get real-time weather alert from NOAA/NWS/NEC/AWC directly to your iPhone and iPad. This real-time weather alert service sends out weather warnings, watches,…
由于特朗普政府不断减少员工人数,NOAA已经开始无法行使部分基本职能;在3月18日的公开声明中,该机构表示,由于人手不足,其下属的国家气象局(National Weather Service,NWS)正在减少美国六个不同地点的气象气球发射效率,并暂时中止另外两个地点的发射。这些气球上装有被称为无线电探空仪的气象仪器,可以收集风速和风向、湿度...