测量 海洋 > 海洋温度 > 海面温度 扫描带宽 7 千米 平台/传感器 GOES-17 / ABI 高分辨率海面温度项目组 (GHRSST) 数据提供者 发布者PO.DAAC 创建者:NOAA/NESDIS/STAR美国国家航空航天局 发布地点:马里兰州坎普斯普林斯(美国) 发布日期: 2020年5月21日 资源: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/star/index...
资源:https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/star/index.php 格式 netCDF-4 关键词 GHRSST, SST, GO...
刘晓明 博士,现为NOAA STAR水色遥感科学研究团队的研究科学家(Research Scientist),主要研究方向为水色遥感算法开发,水色卫星数据的校准与验证,海洋数值模拟,水色数据处理和软件系统开发,海洋遥感应用等。 E-mail: xiaoming.liu@noaa.gov 汪萌华博士领导的研究...
简称 ABI_G17-STAR-L2P-v2.71 doi 10.5067/ghg17-2po71测量 海洋 > 海洋温度 > 海面温度扫描带宽 7 千米平台/传感器GOES-17 / ABI高分辨率海面温度项目组 (GHRSST)数据提供者 发布者PO.DAAC创建者:NOAA/NESDIS/STAR美国国家航空航天局发布地点:马里兰州坎普斯普林斯(美国)发布日期: 2020年5月21日资源: ...
团队开发的水色遥感数据在线浏览系统(Ocean Color Viewer,https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/socd/mecb/color/ocview/ocview.html)可以提供基于多种传感器的水色遥感产品,包括彩色合成图、叶绿素浓度、悬浮物浓度等,以上各级数据产品均可通过N...
An Introduction To The CrIS Instrumental Trending/Monitoring System At NOAA/NESDIS/STARThe Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) onboard the NPP satellite is the first operational hyper-spectral infrared soundingadministrated by NOAA. The whole meteorological community is looking forward to its superior ...
ptmp="/lfs1/NESDIS/nesdis-rdo2/$USER/para/ptmp" stmp="/lfs1/NESDIS/nesdis-rdo2/$USER/para/stmp" BATCH_PARTITION="xjet" export PARTITION_OZNMON=${PARTITION_OZNMON:-${BATCH_PARTITION}} queue="" project="" ;; hera) Expand Down
Supported by NESDIS. Tier Definitions Fully supported by the EMC global workflow team. CI testing is regularly performed on these systems, the majority of the global workflow features are supported, and the team will address any platform-specific features, bugs, upgrades, and requests for data. ...
NOAA/NESDIS/STAR periodically adjusts the instrument gain for the AVHRR visible and near- infrared channels using time series observations of the Libyan Desert. For AVHRRI3, the instrument gain for these channels automatically switches between high gain for dark target and low gain for bright target...
The following report summarizes the NOAA Products Validation System (NPROVS), operated at the NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). NPROVS provides centralized collocation and intercomparison of multiple suites...