This paper describes the NOAA NCEI global marine microplastics database, its creation, quality control procedures, and future directions.doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02632-yNyadjro, Ebenezer S.Webster, Jennifer A. B.Boyer, Tim P.Cebrian, Just
Maps aggregate and organize raw data into a user-friendly format that display a variety of data types in the same geographic location. This allows you to see trends, gaps, and diversity among regions. Most maps produced by NCEI are interactive, allowing you to view data layers, zoom in and...
其他信息可在[NOAA探路者网站](获得。 更多的波段细节可以在[技术规格](页面找到。 这些数据由GHRSST和美国NOAA国家环境信息中心(NCEI)提供。这个项目得到了NOAA气候数据记录...
蒸发应力指数 (ESI) 由 NOAA 卫星应用与研究中心 (STAR) 和 USDA-ARS 水文与遥感实验室制定。蒸发应力指数 (ESI) 是异常蒸散条件的热指标,可用于干旱监测。蒸发压力指数 (ESI) 描述蒸散量 (ET) 的时间异常,突出显示地表用水率异常高或低的区域。此处,ET 是使用遥感地表温度 (LST) 时间变化信号通过能量平衡...
Each NOAA dataset has a different set of attributes that you can potentially get back in your search. See detailed info on each dataset. We provide some information on the attributes in this package; see the vignette for attributes (https://docs.ropensci...
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) The problem with the NOAA graph is that it is fake data. NOAA creates the warming trend by altering the data. The NOAA raw data shows no warming over the past century ...
north carolina Institute for climate Studies/noAA nESdIS/ncEI1.B.1 o B S Er VAt I o n/M o n I to r I n G S Y S t EM S43In addition,climate normals characterize the state of the current climate and are used in decision making by both public departments and private businesses ...
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