2022 season to include an updated disclaimer and color coding for the peak storm surge inundation forecast.This improved graphic allows to better communicate storm surge threat to the public,decision makers and officials.Experimental peak storm surge forecast graphic for Hurricane Ian on September 27,...
Hurricane Intensity Forecasts.31Forecasting a Rare Winter Storm in Southeast U.S.31Closing the Gap Between Weather and Climate Predictions.32COASTAL Act Coupled Wave-Surge Model.33Messaging Consistent NWS Weather ForecastsThe National Blend of Models.33Slowing Ocean MotionAMOC Enters Uncharted Territory....
hurricane at high1-2 kmreso-lution,where the winds are the strongest and most destructive.This high resolution around the hurricanes is critical for improving hurri-cane structure and intensity predictions.NOAA DEMONSTRATES USE OF CLOUD-BASED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TIMELY OPERATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE...
Additionally, SAR is exploited to provide the capability to assess inundation impact from storm surge, as well as ocean–atmosphere and ocean–atmosphere–sea ice fluxes, factors critical to improving coupled Earth system (ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere) predictions. Efforts also target satellite ...