但没有任何效果。 NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA对于这种简单的场景,如果组件工作正常并且测试错过了fa组件,那么您还需要添加AngularFontAwesomeModule到您的 TestBed 导入。
注意TestBed.configureTestingModule方法中的schemas属性。在设置schemas属性之后,您的测试应该会像添加Font ...
NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA ' import { DebugElement, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA }from'@angular/core'; TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ ReactiveFormsModule ], declarations: [ StockInventoryComponent ],schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],providers: [ { provide: StockInventoryService, useClass: MockStockInventoryServic...
PASCAL三角是形状如下的三角矩阵: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 在PASCAL三角...
The testing module doesn't need to import any component, and doesn't need the NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA. Ah thanks@jnizetthat did the trick! I'll leave this open in case the Angular team wants to update the docs and/or adding functionality forNO_ERRORS_SCHEMAso that stubbing isn't the only ...
Why Ansile Tower Setup Is Failing At 'Migrate the Tower database schema' Task With Errors 'Server does not support SSL' / 'certificate verify failed' / 'no pg_hba.conf entry for host' When Connecting To PostgreSQL Database With SSL Enabled ?
57, no. 6, pp. ,3867-3874, Nov. 2008.Performance of multicode DS/CDMA with noncoherent M-ary orthogonal modulation in the presence of timing errors. Iskander,Cyril-Daniel. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology . 2008Iskander C D. Performance of multicode DS/CDMA with noncoherent M-ary...
angular 构建中出现 Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".bugets[1].type" should be equal to one of the allowed values. 在build angular的时候出现如图报错。 查看官方文档,确定是angular.json中配置出现了问题,找到bugets配置介绍(https://angular.cn/guide/build#configure-size...
[NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], }).compileComponents(); fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestHostComponent); hostComponent = fixture.componentInstance; hostComponentDE = fixture.debugElement; hostComponentNE = hostComponentDE.nativeElement; componentDE = hostComponentDE.children[0]; component = componentDE.component...
Hi there, I made the switch from Clover to Open Core. I built the EFI content using OC Gen-X 2.52, then I downloaded all 4 SSDT's for Coffee lake. So it is OC 0.62. I modified the config.plist and checked with Open Core config.plist sanity checker and al