oracle 存储过程 no data found 文心快码BaiduComate 1. 解释什么是“no data found”错误在Oracle存储过程中的含义 在Oracle存储过程中,"no data found"错误是一个常见的运行时异常,它表明一个查询操作(如SELECT INTO语句)没有返回任何数据行,但是期望返回至少一行数据。这通常是因为查询条件没有匹配到数据库中的...
1.首先创建一个表lengzijiantest,表中只有一个字段f_id ? 1 2 3 4 5 [cpp] CREATETABLELENGZIJIANTEST ( F_ID NUMBERNOTNULL ) 2.插入一条数据 ? 1 2 [cpp] insertintolengzijiantestvalues(1) 3.现在表里面只有一条数据,值为1; 4.写入如下命令 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [sql...
Under the covers, SQLisraising backtothe client application "hey buddy--no_data_found". Theclientinthiscasesays "ah hah, no data found means'end of data'"andstops. 但是在pl/sql中却不是,pl/sql的处理方式却是将它认为是一个错误, Under the covers, PLSQLisraising backtothe client application...
Under the covers, SQLisraising backtothe client application "hey buddy--no_data_found". Theclientinthiscasesays "ah hah, no data found means'end of data'"andstops. 但是在pl/sql中却不是,pl/sql的处理方式却是将它认为是一个错误, Under the covers, PLSQLisraising backtothe client application...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 插入一些数据。 创建NO_DATA_FOUND的存储过程: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRO_NO_DATA_FOUND(USER_ID IN INTEGER) AS V_AGE TB_USER.USER_AGE%TYPE;
oracle编程中 select into 语句没有记录时,会触发no_data_found异常 二,no_data_found异常解决方法 如果在一个程序块中,发生异常程序就会停止执行,报出异常。如果我们不想让程序因为这个no_data_found异常而停止执行,可以用如下方法 1)用子块来处理 把会报出no_data_found异常的select into语句放到一个子块中 ...
概述: Django hides exception from database with Oracle backend.→ Django hides NO_DATA_FOUND exception from database with Oracle backend. comment:3 by Mariusz Felisiak, 7年 ago Other exceptions e.g. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX, ZERO_DIVIDE, TOO_MANY_ROWS are raised properly. in reply to: 2 ; ...
ORA-01403: No data found : In my previous articles, I have given the proper idea of different oracle errors, which are frequently come. In this article, I will try to explain the most common error, which has been searched on google approximately 10 k tim
I need to know the syntax for handling a 'no rows' or 'no data found' from a select. The syntax in Oracle's SQL is: begin select col1 from table1 where col1 = 'A' ; exception when no_data_found then insert into tabl1(col1) ...