structuresolventchemical shiftcoupling constantThis document is part of Subvolume D4 'Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Carbon-13. Part 4: Natural Products' of Volume 35 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data' of Landolt-Brnstein Group III: 'C...
Direct reactions of the AgY salts with dmb (1,8-diisocyano-p-menthane) in a 1:1 stoichiometric amount generate the binuclear Ag-2(dmb)(2)Y-2 complexes. The X-ray crystallography establishes that the structure consists of two Ag+ atoms bridged by two dmb ligands forming a 20-membered ...
Structure Class(es): – Classification by Properties: antiferromagnet AFM, ferrielectric FiE, spin glass Mineral Name(s): pyrophanite Pearson Symbol: hR30 Space Group: 148 Phase Prototype: TiFeO3 Measurement Detail(s): X-rays (determination of cell parameters) Phase Class(es): – ...
硝酸盐 Lewis Structure Loading... 硝酸盐 has 24 valence electrons shared by 4 atoms and 3 bonds. 過氧化亞硝酸鹽 Lewis Structure Loading... 過氧化亞硝酸鹽 has 24 valence electrons shared by 4 atoms and 3 bonds.
Methoxydioxaziridine Lewis Structure Loading... Methoxydioxaziridine has 30 valence electrons shared by 8 atoms and 8 bonds. Pubchem_22345099 Lewis Structure Loading... PUBCHEM_22345099 has 30 valence electrons shared by 8 atoms and 7 bonds....
Electronic structure of YbNi X 3 ( X =Si, Ge) studied by hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy assembled, via hydrogen bonding and π—π stacking interactions, to form a 3D open framework, and the crystal water molecules are located in the tunnels... H Sato,Y Utsumi,J Kodama,... - ...
Aerobic Denitrification of Nitrate Wastewater and Changes of Microbial Community Structure in a Bio-ceramic Reactor含硝氮废水的好氧反硝化处理及其系统微生物... Biological treatment of nitrate wastewater with aerobic denitrifiers in a bio-ceramic reactor was investigated. And denaturing gradient gel electrop...
[1] investigated an oxygen carrier based on calcium manganite of perovskite structure CaMnO3-δ for chemical looping combustion. The results were very promising and similar materials have since then been successfully tested in pilot rigs up to 120 kWth, including extended operation in continuously ...
1. The peaks of the SrCo0.3Sn0.7O3-δ semiconductor can be indexed as a cubic perovskite structure without showing any impurities peaks. All sharped peaks revealed a well-developed crystalline structure. In addition, the characteristics peaks of the synthesized CeO2 powder at 800 °C, ...
The bulk BSO has an ideal cubic perovskite structure (a = 0.4116 nm) and is a transparent semiconductor with band gap more than 3.1 eV (ref. 18). After doping a little amount of La, it exhibits a large electron conductivity with a small lattice expansion6,7. Figure 1a is a...