no-path-concat no-plusplus no-process-env no-process-exit no-proto no-prototype-builtins no-redeclare no-regex-spaces no-reserved-keys no-restricted-globals no-restricted-imports no-restricted-modules no-restricted-properties no-restricted-syntax no-return-assign no-return-await no-script-url no...
'no-restricted-imports': [ 'error', { patterns: [ { group: ['@app/utils'], importNamePattern: '?!Abcd$', message: 'You can only import names that end with Abcd from @app/utils', }, ], }, ], import { z, // this one should cause a eslint error sumAbcd, fnAbcd } from...
I tried to useno-restricted-importsto restrict developers from importing directly from node_modules and dists folders (this can sometimes happen especially if the developer is using some sort of editor auto-import feature, then it gets overlooked in the code-review and it slips into production c...
add'no-restricted-imports-cloneto thepluginsarray. add the following therulesobject: 'no-restricted-imports': [ 'error', { name: 'someDependency', message: "Don't import someDependency.", }, ], 'no-restricted-imports-clone/no-restricted-imports-clone': [ 'warn', { name: 'anotherDepende...
Existing users, please login at the top of the page.Summary: Russian carmakers AvtoVAZ, GAZ, and Sollers want the government to limit imports of cars produced by GM Uzbekistan, the joint venture between General Motors and Uzbek automaker Uzavtoprom, according to local media reports....
Imports 是 ES6/ES2015 标准,用于使当前模块中的其他模块的功能可用。在 CommonJS 中,这是通过require()调用实现的,这使得这个 ESLint 规则大致相当于其 CommonJS 对应的no-restricted-modules。 为什么要限制进口? 某些导入在特定环境中可能没有意义。例如,Node.js 的 fs 模块在没有文件系统的环境中没有意义。
import 是 ES6/ES2015 的一个标准,用来在当前模块引入其他模块。在 CommonJS 中是通过调用require()来实现的,使得该规则大致相当于 CommonJS 对应的no-restricted-modules规则。 Why would you want to restrict imports? 为什么要限制 import ? Some imports might not make sense in a particular environment. Fo...
'no-restricted-imports':['error',{paths:[{name:'@mui/material/Button',message:'Import from @mui/material/Button is deprecated. Use "src/components/Button" instead.'},exceptIn:['src/components/Button/*']// this will still allow import from@mui/material/Button inside src/components/Button ... Co-authored-by: Tanuj Kanti <> * fix: `no-restricted-imports`: Review suggestions * feat: add more validations to schema * docs: add validate options name * Update lib/rules/no-restricted-imports.js Co-authored-by: ...
snitin315 opened #19060 fix/update-no-restricted-imports-types Status Failure Total duration 3m 33s Artifacts 1 ci.yml on: pull_request Verify Files 3m 11s Browser Test 1m 35s Types Test 55s Matrix: Test 8 jobs completed Show all jobs Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ...