Some states have a "no-fault" system where auto insurance companies pay the medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages of the policy holder regardless of who's at fault. No-fault systems came into place due to the sometimes long and costly process of determining who is at fault af...
“No-fault insurance is intended to reduce the demands on the court system associated with car accident-related lawsuits. States with no-fault laws generally allow you to sue for severe injuries or pain and suffering only when damages meet certain thresholds. A typical no-fault car insurance pol...
When you get into an accident with another driver, your car insurance policy can step in to help protect your finances from the fallout. However, insurance claims are settled differently depending on your state’s fault laws.
In most states,the driver who caused the accidentwill bear financial responsibility (usually through an insurance company) for injuries and other losses. But in a dozen or so states, the car insurance process starts (and often ends) with a no-fault car insurance claim made through your own c...
Florida is one of just two states without a requirement for some level of bodily-injury coverage, which helps pay for injuries or deaths suffered by other people --- not the drivers --- in accidents. Legislators revamped the PIP system in 2012 to try to address fraud that was driving up...
no-fault•The hon. Gentleman argues forno-faultcompensation.•Johnson is pushing a bill, for example, that would limitno-faultdivorces in Arizona.•Mandatoryno-faultinsurance has been enacted in 13 states.•Whileno-faultinsurance has failed in other states, supporters contend that this is...
Three No-Fault States Share a Unique System Of the 12 no-fault states, three of them – New Jersey, Kentucky, Pennsylvania – employ a unique “choice no-fault” system regarding car insurance. In this configuration, drivers are given the option to choose between a fault or a no-fault po...
What states are no-fault? In the United States, there are 12 no-fault states, includingFlorida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota and Utah. Do you pay a deductible if someone hits you?
Texas is one of38states that operate under at-fault laws when it comes to fender-benders. When you accidentally kiss someone else's bumper with your car, liability payments can vary depending on if it was a peck on the cheek or full on making-everyone-uncomfortable-at-Chili's. ...
All You Need to Know About New York No Fault Insurance Accident claims can be tedious, complex and painful (especially if you end up getting little to no compensation). In many cases, it is a lottery between compensation, and none. New York no fault insu