取得HTTP 回應上快取控制項標頭欄位中 「no-cache」 指示詞中的功能變數名稱集合。 C# publicSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment> NoCacheHeaders {get; } 屬性值 ICollection<StringSegment> 適用於 產品版本 ...
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); //页面被永久删除,可以告诉搜索引擎更新它们的urls // set Moved Permanently header (good for redrictions) // use with location header header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); // 访问受限 header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); // 服务器错误 header('HTTP/1....
header no-cache 是HTTP协议中的一个缓存控制头部字段(Cache-Control header)。它用于指示浏览器或缓存服务器不要直接使用缓存中的响应数据,而是必须向源服务器发送请求以验证缓存内容的有效性。 2. 阐述在HTTP请求中,"header no-cache"的作用和重要性 作用:no-cache 头部字段的主要作用是防止缓存的数据被直接使用...
我是后端生成文件地址的,header要怎么生成这个 Etag 的值? 2023-08-22 回复喜欢 东绪川千世 清晰!!!大赞!! 2023-03-18 回复喜欢 ryyyyy 那是说,用户自己设置cache-control:no-cache,和服务器端返回cache-control: no-store的表现是一样么?都是请求的时候不带上指纹 2021-11-24 ...
其他文件就需要使用服务器设置文件控制 header === 如果不想彻底禁止缓存可以采用下面的 <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /> === no-cache和...
Issue Liferay adding a "Pragma: no-cache" to the response header, and this is preventing the app server, or the client from caching the data.EnvironmentLiferay DXP 7.2 Resolution Subscriber Exclusive Content A Liferay Enterprise Subscription provides access to over 1,500 articles that include ...
Speculative Loading should also be disabled if a page was served withnocache_headers()having been called. Without these changes, there is a risk that a site may be attempting to prefetch pages only to have them discarded due to theCache-Controlresponse header. This would needlessly add server...
We are running SSL to JBoss and trying to download a PDF file. By default it seems Tomcat turns off caching with secure content. It also seems the PDF viewier uses the cache to spool the pdf. We need a way to turn off the no cache in the header ...
Revert "Suggestno-cacheheader." This reverts commit38017e9. master IceCodeNewcommittedSep 30, 2020 1 parent19dd850commit992095abba47002dfb61dbe6b8a4ded544e1baaa Show file tree Hide file tree Showing2 changed fileswith8 additionsand8 deletions. ...