I would like to use my ram at his maximal frequency wich is 3600mhz but it is stuck at 2133 mhz and i cant found xmp in my BIOS. What am i supposed to do ? Do I have to change my motherboard? Re:No xmp option in my bios with my IdeaCentre G5 14IMB05 Hi guest2...
amd no!(b2..用zen3快一年了,主板是550迫击炮bios都是使用最新的,使用5600x(b0)遇到了很多问题,前置usb3.0用u盘没事移动硬盘就会几分钟秒断一次,海盗船键盘开机小概率键盘灯不亮,键盘没反应,无
4 DIMM DDR5 configs can be a bit of a challenge. Did you try running the system on "load optimised defaults" (i.e. no XMP or other BIOS tuning) to see if it was stable without overclocking? 0 Kudos Reply Previous 1 2 Next ...
Found there's a Memory Context Restore BIOS option that allows to have "sticky" RAM settings and make post instant, it worked, but also some guys don't recommend it because it could be unoptimal or even lead to issues, any insights on this ? AMD R9 7950X3D CPU/ Asus ROG STRIX X...
For that I apparantly have to change tthe RAM settings/XMP in BIOS. Which with the current BIOS version is not possible. Not giving access to the RAM settings also limits the use of other RAM modules e.g. RGB RAM. Lenevo released a BIOS for the T7 variant in which...
Running latest Bios (1202 I think it is). No matter what I do, cannot get the mobo to run the mem at 2400. Here is what I am trying: #1) Choose XMP Profile 1. Reboot still at 2133 for target will not run at 2400, it won't even try until I do step #2 as well...
I have the Asus Prime X570-PRO. I want to try the latest bios. But can i flash to older bios with this mother board? 0 Likes Reply GoLLuM13 In response to renesdk Adept III 05-22-2022 07:15 PM Empty heading @renesdk Running below the possibilities o...
Did a lot of back and forth with bios options to end up with XMP off being the only option changing anythingSomething is wrong here... what happened to the video card firmware during the update to make the card no longer working at all with a xmp profile activated (wich works fine ...
Support and Introduction of Content Platform Purchases Service in the Armoury Crate oppdater:2025/02/04 [Motherboard]How to optimize the Memory performance by setting XMP(XMP Tweaked) or EXPO or DOCP in BIOS? oppdater:2025/01/22 [Motherboard]How to set and enable WOL(Wake On Lan) ...
Got a problem, looking for solution my setup: ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-h GAMING WIFI DDR5 CPU : INTEL 13700K RAM : DOMINATOR® TITANIUM RGB 64GB (2x32GB) DDR5 DRAM 6600MT/s CL32 Intel XMP Memory Kit GPU : GeForce RTX™ 4060 Ti GAMING OC 8G PSU : ROG STRIX