"ubuntu no x11 display variable was set" 错误解析与解决 1. 错误含义 “ubuntu no x11 display variable was set” 错误通常出现在尝试在没有配置图形界面的环境中运行需要图形界面的应用程序时。X11 是一个用于在类Unix操作系统上提供图形用户界面的系统。当系统尝试访问 X11 显示服务器但没有找到相应的环境变...
“No X11 DISPLAY variable was set”问题的解决过程 1.之前在windows上验证,截屏功能很正常,于是部署到linux上 2.运行后,报“No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. ”的错误。 是HeadlessToolkit.getScreenSize()这个函数 3.百度了下,原因大概知道了。...
kali原本不显示no x11 display variable was set;在物理机配置了一下WSL后,不知道修改了哪里的配置;现在一运行kali中的应用程序就显示no x11 display variable was set;试过了很多export dispaly=:0之类的办法,都没有用;卸载重装kali,也没有用;肯定是物理机上的配置出了问题;需要向大家请教如何解决。网络安全kali...
If so, my guess is that the -X flag, by enabling X11 forwarding, causes the DISPLAY environment variable to be set, so that it refers to the machine from which you're doing the ssh, when wiresharkScript.sh is run, causing Wireshark to be run with the DISPLAY environment set. This p...
If so, my guess is that the -X flag, by enabling X11 forwarding, causes the DISPLAY environment variable to be set, so that it refers to the machine from which you're doing the ssh, when wiresharkScript.sh is run, causing Wireshark to be run with the DISPLAY environment set. ...
Check for existing issues Completed Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it ./libexec/zed-editor Zed failed to open a window: NoSupportedDeviceFound Environment ubuntu 20.04 If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help expla...
/etc/profile.d/session_tmout.sh: line 1: TMOUT: readonly variable Setting TMOUT can break xrdp on Debian/Ubuntu#2636 You still appear to have a file/home/mcox/.Xclients. The test for it is triggering at the end of the log trace. Can you remove it, or mark it non-executable? The...
Variable my $nxSessionLoad = 1; indicates the load given to each NoMachine session, regardless of whether it is connected or disconnected. In this example it is set to 1, so by default every session will have 1.0 as load value. To set, for example, the load of each session to 0.5:...
Be sure to uncomment the configuration key (i.e., remove the '#' pre-pended to the key) to set a value different from the default.When a configuration key supports an on/off status, set value to '0' to disable it and to '1' to enable it....
$ export DISPLAY=:0 && DRI_PRIME=1 <my run command> or $ export DISPLAY=:20 && DRI_PRIME=1 <my run command> (try with/without DRI_PRIME) It is also possible that the DISPLAY variable needs to be ‘unset’, so: $ unset DISPLAY && <my run command> Nice, I will try them pranto...