!!!SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING!!! The #1 reason I really loved this movie is because for the entire Tom Holland run I’ve been bummed because this character is fully and completely divorced from the Spider-Man of my youth. He has a magic nano machine suit and big golden ...
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. The tragic end of Avengers: Endgame, which saw Iron Man sacrifice himself to save the universe from Thanos, perfectly set up Spider-Man: No Way Home's ending. The MCU Phase 3 event movie saw Robert Downey Jr's Tony Sta...
I like to imagine in this multi-verse a universe where there were no spoilers and there was no foreknowledge of the villains or the 3 Spideys. Can you just imagine? What might easily be missed is the many quiet moments that make this film a step above. Tobey, Andrew, and Tom were ...
By the timeSpider-Man: No Way Home's endingrolls around, it's clear that Peter Parker isn't getting the same happy ending that he affords to his villains, no matter how much it breaks the MCU's formula. This is necessary not just to show how much Holland's Spider-Man has matured i...
A Spider-Man: No Way Home leak from China features the movie's full plot, which reveals all the big spoilers from the movie.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is chockablock with cool cameos, some of which were huge surprises. Two of the biggest have now been given an official introduction on the Marvel website alongside new images. The following contains major spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home, so turn back now i...
SPIDER-MAN- NO WAY HOME - In Conversation with Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, and Andrew Garfield SPOILERS- Tom Holland & Zendaya On Tobey and Andrew and Spider-Man- No Way Home's Ending SPIDER-MAN- NO WAY HOME - Lie Detector with Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon SPIDER-MAN- NO WAY HOME -...
After Jack questions this plan as there is no ship capable of escaping Salazar, but Barbossa is aware that the Black Pearl needs to be restored to its original size and knows a way of doing so. Restoring the Black Pearl"Let's be brave. Save the Pearl!" ―Joshamee Gibbs[src]...
Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers follow. Despite the myriad protestations, Spider-Man: No Way Home featured not one, nor two, but three surprise cameos when it finally arrived in cinemas. As well as the long-hoped-for return of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in their previous Spider-...
Still, one place you wouldn’t expect to find Spider-Man spoilers is on Kim Kardashian’s Instagram story. This big dumb idiot decided to show off that she was watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in the privacy of her home cinema (so relatable), and thought it would be a good idea to...