no viable alternative at input '([' 错误描述 在输入中没有可行的替代方案 可能原因 在输入中出现了语法错误或者非法字符,导致系统无法识别输入。 解决方法 请检查输入是否有语法错误或者非法字符,并适当修正。可以借助在线SQL编辑器的语法检查功能或者手动逐行检查。另外,也可以通过查看错误提示前后的...
Flink读取mysql binlog时,遇到了不支持解析的操作GRANT XA_RECOVER_ADMIN,可以通过参数database.history....
Caused by: Line 1:60 no viable alternative at input 'coalesce(b.deleted,false)AND'; Bad JPQL grammar [SELECT b FROM Bundle b WHERE NOT coalesce(b.deleted, false) AND b.latestImport = true] at
【操作系统】:win10 springboot+mybatis 【CPU】:core i5 【问题描述】*:mybaits使用lower函数时出现...
line 1:119 no viable alternative at input 'user_idinteger' Hibernate: create table t_user (user_id bigint not null auto_increment, assisted_query_pwd varchar(255), pwd varchar(255), user_name varchar(255), user_name_plain varchar(255), primary key (user_id)) engine=InnoDB` Member kim...
amazon-web-services之亚马逊雅典娜 : no viable alternative at input 在Athena 中创建表时;它给了我以下异常: no viable alternative at input 请您参考如下方法: 表名中不允许使用连字符..(虽然向导允许).. 只需删除连字符,它就像一个魅力
rtiddsgen bug: 0 no viable alternative Hi, I got the following error when usertiddsgento generate types files. ERROR tpc_alarm.idl line 11:0 no viable alternative at input '# 11 "tpc_alarm.idl" 3\n' in member declaration ...
No viable alternative at input Ignition scripting grzegorz.kaczmarczyk May 13, 2021, 9:05am 1 Hi, I get an error ‘No viable alternative at input’. What does it mean and how can I fix it? Thanks for help. error1273×779 45.4 KB Matrix_Engineering May 13, 2021, 9:09am 2 Jyth...
Oracle Data Integrator - Version and later: ODI 12C SyntaxError: ("no viable alternative at input ','") when Using "IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update" wit
最终找到了一句line 1:106 no viable alternative at input '(code,face_code,factory,ip,name,password,port,pos,remark,serial_id,source' 说的什么输入时没有可行的替代方案,但是我看到,从source开始往后的参数没了?那是不是这个source的问题呢,可能是数据库关键字冲突,于是我在实体的source属性上添加了指定列...