针对"no version information available (required by *)"的问题,我们有解决策略。首先,理解这是与.so文件(共享目标文件)相关的问题,让我们一步步来处理。步骤一:首先,你需要定位到产生错误的共享目标文件,这通常会给出线索。这个错误表明问题根源在于共享库的搜索路径配置,通常这个配置文件位于 /e...
后遗症:no version information available (required by bash)变成了no version information available (required by tvm)。 (我是在编译tvm时报出最上面的错误,按照这个方法暂时解决了问题,tvm能编译和运行了。虽然还会报no version information available (required by tvm),但俗话说的好,人和代码有一个能跑就行了...
cachedversionavailablefor offline mode,原因是之前为了快速编译项目,勾选了offline work 1.找到设置 2.取消掉勾选,然后apply就可以了
在使用aapt时,出现了/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available 警告信息,但命令还是可以执行的 之前zlib是用yum安装的,版本为1.2.3,网上查了一下,是版本的原因,安装新的版本就好了 从http://zlib.NET/下载最新版本 [plain] view plain copy wget http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.7....
no version information available的解决办法 最近在编译时,发现一个错误: /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by /usr/sbin 上网搜索了一番,没找到解决办法。 到/usr/lib下ll一下,有两个文件: libcrypto.so
今天安装一个软件,使用了libz.so.1这样一个动态链接库,编译时没有问题,但是运行时总是提示:libz.so.1:no version information available(...required),其中。。。为安装软件的名称。google一上午没有解决问题,最后实在没有办法,请教老大,两分钟搞定。原来这是因为编译时使用的makefile中引用的...
/usr/sbin/postconf: /lib64/libcrypto.so.10: no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/libssl.so.10) OR getting following messages, after running yum command: Raw /usr/lib64/libssl.so.10: symbol EC_KEY_get0_group, version OPENSSL_1.0.1_EC not defined in file libcrypto....
libnl library. For example, Version 3.2. In this case, the correct version of the library is found and mapped successfully. However, if you notice a discrepancy between the expected and installed versions, you can upgrade or downgrade the library version to match the expectation of...
最近在终端运行 samtools 出现如下报警,虽然不影响运行但是批量任务的时候频繁报警导致日志混乱。samtools: /home/███/miniconda3/bin/../lib/libtinfow.so.6: no version information available (required by…
This behavior is by design. Language packs are not upgraded as part of the operating system upgrade. This issue occurs because Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 each have version-specific language packs. When you upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, the operating system reverts to its base langua...