no valid b..是想做2d的齿轮泵近出油口 照着b站视频做的 一开始在SC抽的体积 然后在DM做的表面 但是mesh就打不开 弄两天了哪位大神知道呀别沉呀
Plugin error no valid bodies found for 2d analysis in part Part #1 mrbrake New Member kikkat Join Date: Dec 2012 Posts: 1 Rep Power: 0 I am doing theA 2412 airfoil, but when i am entering the Meshing, there is a error message prompted out. why actually is the prob...
小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » 专业学科区 » 机械 » CAD/CAM » 请问:workbench中的plug in error:no valid bodies found 是怎么回事?2 1/1 返回列表 查看: 7240 | 回复: 2 查看全部回帖@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 ...
新人求教,谢谢帮忙..今天第一次学ANSYS,从最简单的学起,用DM画了个图,就是个圆,但一双击MODEL模块就关闭了,提示:PlugIn Error:No valid bodies found. 一个是 unable t
Hello everyone, I was doing some simulations on ANSYS Workbench 18.1 and when I imported solidwork files (two semi trucks in convoying situation) and try to edit the use DesignModeler I get two errors that say Attach Failed and no valid bodies found. ...
A study of the MTV network's content by the Parents' Television Council in America found 1,548 sexual scenes containing 3,056 depictions of sex or nudity in just 71 hours; that is a sexual scene every 6.6 minutes. Even the female artists who started their careers espousing the virtues of...