【git】No user exists for uid 1000 fatal: 无法读取远程仓库。 一、问题 今天拉取代码时,突然报错 二、处理过程 1、检查用户信息 $ id -u 1000 用户的id是对的 那是因为什么呢 2、重启终端 发现还是不行 3、重启电脑 发现还是不行 三、解决方案 最终重新生效环境变量 $ source ~/.bashrc 然后重新执行...
No user exists for uid 501 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists. 猜测是之前变更了本地配置: $ source ~/.zshrc 所以重启终端就可以了
NO user exists for uid 501 很奇怪的问题.查了百度很多不关联的解决. UID 501用户不存在 之前在终端中 sudo shutdown -r now 执行关机命令. 百度查到一个相关解决方案. mac更新之后需要重新启动一下terminal 又尝试解关闭terminal 然后再打开试下. 连接上.很奇怪.google 找了半天也找不到原因.有知道什么问题...
No user exists for uid 501 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists. 重启终端下就好 系统有更新的话 需要重启终端 更新下配置。
modify the Dockerfile to use uid 1000 for the spacevim user keep the uid as it is but make the folders for SpaceVim within the container writeable to all users. Then you can do something like ➜ ~ docker run -i -t --rm --entrypoint="" -u ${UID}:${GID} spacevim/spacevim:latest...
Bug description Working on a 2023 Macbook Air M2 I followed the steps per wiki here https://superset.apache.org/docs/installation/installing-superset-using-docker-compose/ (which I believe needs updating) and I am unable to have stable b...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
e.printStackTrace(); } } } return databaseCache; } */ private CosmosContainer getContainerCreateResourcesIfNotExist() { try { if (cosmosDatabase == null) { CosmosDatabaseResponse cosmosDatabaseResponse = cosmosClient.createDatabaseIfNotExists(DATABASE_ID); cosmosDatabase = cosmosClient.getData...
Create a newDocDbDao.javafile and add theDocDbDaoclass. This class defines code to persist the TodoItems into the container, retrieves your database and collection, if it exists, or create a new one if it doesn't exist. This example usesGsonto serialize and de-serialize the TodoItem Pl...