All my clubs with age restrictions were made long ago, and the oldest right after the Get Together DLC came out, so it's been up and down with issues from one patch after the other. The automatic leadership change used to work, at least after it was fixed 2-3 years ago, but not ...
RobertShiller,YaleUniversity PrincetonBendheimLecturesin Finance,October8,2013 NeoclassicalFinanceand Reality •Thetitleofthesethreelecturesisinspired bythefirstPrincetonBendheimLectures inFinance,StephenRoss―Neoclassical Finance‖andbyChristopherSims‘1980
Sims (2019) describes this as a habitual privilege embedded in universities and actively maintained by their leadership. By valorising the academic and symbolic assets of the perpetrator’s contribution to the university’s pursuit of excellence, competitiveness reinforces the perpetrator’s membership ...