此点以外禁止乘客进入, 加的夫皇后街车站月台2(No passenger access beyond this point, Cardiff Queen Street station platform 2) 未经授权的车辆不得超过此点, 纽敦(No unauthorised vehicles beyond this point, Newtown) 在弗林特郡零售园,没有超过此点的汞Vs或交付, 打火石(No HGVs or deliveries beyond this...
(16)Nocycling,rollerskatingorskateboarding(17)SwitchRoomNoAccesstoUnauthorisedPersonnelDangerVolts2)警示言语行为 实施警示言语行为的含no公示语警告公众不得采取 某一行为,否则将受到惩罚。如(18)用在伦敦地铁进出口, 警示无有效车票或乘车卡进出将被罚款;(19)用在停车场, 警示不按规定停车,将被拖车和罚款。
Do not share this information with anyone as you can be held accountable for unauthorised access with these details. If you have any questions regar 如果分配您任何通入卡片或安全代碼信息它是重要的您對待這物產,您會您自己的信用卡和個人密碼。 與任何人不要分享這信息,您可以被拿著對越權存取負有責任...
technical and organisational security measuresmeans those measures aimed at protecting personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against al...
Classic Texting can be simply intercepted by online hackers or intercepted by unauthorised products, which can lead to a security alarm system infringement. On the other hand, on-line SMS party uses encoded connection channels, which implies your emails are typically much less dangerous. It can ...
Have gone around in circles for a few days on this one, trying the various solutions and workarounds, but no luck. Was trying to put in a test for an unauthorised login. The (angular/Ionic) app pops up an access denied alert as expected and have been attempting to get protractor to ...
“Section 43(a) of the Information Technology Act provides that all entities must protect the security of their users’ data. The aim of this is to ensure that personal and sensitive data is kept secure, and to insure against any unauthorised misuse of data. Entities like Google Maps have ...
(including any roof and/or upper roof and/or flat roofs) which is illegal, unauthorised or which contravenes the terms of the Government Lease or this Deed and/or without the written permission of the Manager (or if such permission has been given upon the expiration or withdrawal of the ...
Unauthorised persons and animals must not have access to the plant; (b) the processing plant must have a clean and unclean sector, adequately separated. The unclean sector must have a covered place to receive animal by-products and must be constructed in such a way that it is easy to ...