Now that the lid had come off the tin of automation, I set about introducing some subtle changes in the subjective dynamics, firstly riding the overhead mics and drum reverb return up a decibel during the choruses. Listening back, I experimented with a little of the guitar reverb on the sn...
I realized I had to get out of the house at least once a day to avoid turning into an unshaven and unshoweredrecluse(隐士) who was still in his pyjamas at dinner time. I would work for an hour or so in a local coffee shop but, like most routine, this became boring because I ...
Andrew Unterberger: He’s back, for sure, but he’s following as much as he’s leading now: “Carnival” has a little of that old Ye spark, but it also feels like he’s taking shortcuts to the prize rather than blazing his own path. That he can get there at...
Mel Gibson’s latest dead language epic is set up at Disney just like Nolan’s “The Prestige,” but it also has the distinguishing characteristic of a December opening, and, likely, being the studio’s lead horse hopeful. Now, Gibson’s 2004 opus “The Passion of the Christ” found its...