“no tracked branch configured for branch”这一错误信息通常出现在使用Git进行版本控制时,特别是在尝试推送(push)或拉取(pull)到一个分支,但该分支没有配置一个上游(或称为跟踪)分支时。上游分支通常是一个远程仓库中的分支,本地分支与之同步以获取最新的更改或推送更改。 2. 解决方法 方法一:设置上游分支 要...
No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example, git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master (show balloon) 意思就是git找不到你要提交的分支,不知道提交到哪里 1.解决方法为: 打开git工具命令行,输入...
idea使用git拉取更新时出现No tracked branch configured for branch master,按照提示在IDEA的Terminal中输入gitbranch--set-upstream-to=origin/master即可。
Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example, git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master (show balloon) 意思就是git找不到你要提交的分支,不知道提交到哪里 1.解决方法为: 打开git...
Git拉取代码报错:Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch dev or the branch doesn't exist.To make your branch track a remote branch call 错误: 解决方法: 第一步: git pull origin(远程仓库名称) develop(远程分支名称) --allow-unrelated-histories...
idea拉取git报错Can‘t Update No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn‘t exist. git添加一句代码,这句代码是在git2.9.2版本发生的,最新版本需要添加 --allow-unrelated-histories,此代码为忽略不相关历史文件 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories...
IDEA Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. 2019-03-12 17:29 −... 朱春旺 2 21749 github添加branch 2019-12-24 16:05 −如何在 GitHub 的项目中创建一个分支呢?以tensorflow为例,repository中有许多branch,每个branch对应不同的tensorflow版本。
idea中has no tracked branch"idea中has no tracked branch" 的问题通常出现在你尝试在Git中执行操作时。这可能是因为你的IDE(在这种情况下,看起来是IntelliJ IDEA)无法找到与远程仓库同步的本地分支。 有几种可能的解决方案: 1. **检查你的远程仓库设置。** 确保你的本地分支与远程仓库是同步的。你可以在IDE...
IDEA新建项目提交到git仓库时报错:Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch... 2020-03-27 20:24 −... 山兮木 0 5702 template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers 完美解决 ...
No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. 错误: 解决办法: 按照提示在项目目录文件夹下输入git branch --set-upstream-to origin即可; 还不行的话输入 git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master