报的是光驱错误。不知道你是什么牌子笔记本,一般BIOS里都有硬盘检测程序。检测下硬盘,然后把光驱拆下来试试。TPM就不用管了 你这个板子应该不支持这个。
1.芯片报销了,旭日系列的电脑好像很老了吧。2.系统丢失或缺少部分TPM方面的组件,导致无法正常进入。解决方法:用安全模式进入,看看 是不是 被你不小心在360开机加速中禁用了。重装系统。硬件报销了,直接买个新本子吧。
x 手上一台SONY ,开机就显示no tpm or tpm has problem,就在这里停住了,BIOS也进不去,请教是...
The TPM is enabled in the BIOS, but since a BIOS update—which has been a while ago—the TPM has not been recognized by the system. There have been several BIOS updates since, but the problem remains unresolved. This is a serious issue as Windows considers my computer unsupported, forcing...
TOD显示ATO可用“OK”,ATPM可用状态“NO”时第一步处理步骤是( ) A、RMF动车重新寻找模式 B、切ATP C、重启VOBC D、使用ATO模式动车 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 下列使用万用表检查微动开关好坏的方法正确的是 ( ) A、使用数字万用表通断档测量微动开关COM脚与NO脚,按压按键后能听到蜂鸣声,松开按键显示...
Hi All/Community Support. Way back in 2022 a couple of months after the release of Win11, I managed to enable TPM2.0 and install Windows 11. Monitored the
Although it seems impossible, it is very easy to install Windows 11 on Legacy BIOS. And you will also bypass the TPM and Secure Boot checks!
I'll see it it runs fine like this. If so I'll just have to accept running without XMP as it fixes the stutters with TPM in Windows 11. It has however made me reconsider buying AMD hardware on my next upgrade. --- MSI X570-A PRO * AMD Ryzen 3700X * 32 GB ...
“Dev explains why Tiny11 Windows is so tiny yet secure despite no TPM, Secure Boot” And the actual comment was “it’s still pretty secure” which can be interpreted as “no it isn’t”. 2023-02-06 3:02 pm LeFantome For me, the absolute best use case for the...
Had also checked that all device level security was on (TPM, core isolation, bitlocker, secure boot). HDCP service is also running. Kinda running out out of idea what to do randomnly. Some diagnostics frm the HDCP service itself would be peachy. Yes, cable is 2 feet int...