drugs from the 信息,设计禁 开阔视野,激文(拓展思维 Internet and design a 毒海报。 发兴趣,培养 扩充知识面, poster about saying 3.导学本阅读 学生主动学习 为书面表达积 “No” to drugs. 相似话题禁烟 意识。 累素材) 3. Read the passage 美文,积累佳 3.作文素材积 about No Smoking on 句。 th...
You can take some notes on your paper, and show your ideas for us in the end. Ss:... VII.Summary&Homework(2min) T: Let’s swear together!Yes to life, no to drugs!Search for more information about drugs and make a poster to attract other people. VIII.Blackboard design: No Drugs...
(3) If you are asked to design a poster asking people to stay away from drugs. What slogan will you write on the poster? Eg: Treasure your life, stay away from drugs. 1. 这部分教师先进 行学法指导,向学生介绍 topic sentence 的含义,并帮助学生找出 开头段的主题句,再通过小组合作,竞赛...
Code name Poster… The first practical matter transmitter was a success, co-inventers of the device, counted on it to revolutionize civilization. But the first long distance field test with a human being – a diplomatic courier carrying a vital message – somehow misfired when the courier kille...
Activity 9Teacher asks students to finish the poster and write down whatever you want to say to help others avoid being caught in trouble. To highlight the key topic of this passage and help students deeply understand keeping away from drugs. Value our life.VII. Teaching assessmentVIII.Black...
We have reviewed the available data on the endpoints for these drugs in their in vitro susceptibility testing on yeasts and moulds. The microdilution broth method is the most commonly used technique and MIC-1 (80% of growth inhibition) seems to be the most reliable endpoint when yeasts are ...
i love acting i love babies i love basketball i love cheese i love drugs i love eating popcorn i love fried chicken i love gracie too i love henna i love her for her ac i love hitler i love how you kiss i love java i love liusanjies son i love monkeys i love my bedrom i lov...
33%. Conclusion Candida tropicalis and Candida pathogens were common pathogenic bacteria in fungal infection of male NGU,and both of them were sensitive to azole antifungal drugs,so the clinical use of antimicrobial drugs should be based on the results of drug sensitive test to give the ...
She was lied to by whitey. *psychick started out as a misspelling but now I’m proud of the phrase “psyckick rape”. That has to be a hate-crime. With thanks tosockless joefor the idea. \ 1 Okay,that’s awesome. Via the pretentious types ati Own the World. ...
Gorna argued that latex lesbianism endangered the lives of queer women. She went on to explain that the risks queer women faced did not originate from one another. Instead she wrote that “our risks are men and drugs”. To avoid the risk of HIV, lesbians needed to build “self-esteem” ...