Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found问题解决 1. 查看配置 2.路径设置错误,修改路径和path一致即可 修改后的测试报告路径 重新构建成功
显示信息中“Completion”字段的值为“no result”,说明测试没有得到结果。 显示信息中“Lost packet ratio”字段的值不是0%,说明有丢包。 此类故障的常见原因是: UDP Jitter测试结果有drop计数。 UDP Jitter测试结果有busy计数。 UDP Jitter测试结果有timeout计数。
The UDP jitter test result displayed in the display nqa results command output can be failed, no result, or packet loss. In the command output, If the Completion field is displayed as failed, the test fails. If the Completion field is displayed as no result, the te...
#check typeresultreport 1 codeCheck noPass >>>编译测试: #Devicebuild resulttest resultpackage 1 hispark_taurus_LiteOS success success >>> 2 dayu200_xts success NA >>> 3 hispark_pegasus success success >>> 4 format_check success NA >>> 5 format_check-codearts codearts build exception NA...
当在这里对result的键值对进行遍历时,由于statements是undefined,导致编译报错 修改方案/Scheme 将这里的undefined修改为[] 自检及测试项/Self-check and Test 一、ArkUI UT 已通过 不涉及,无需验证 二、ArkCompiler UT 已通过 不涉及,无需验证 三、新增全局变量,需要在CleanUp阶段清理 ...
Tests can pass or fail, or with XCTSkip, be marked with an explicit "skip" result. In Xcode 11.4, XCTSkip, XCTSkipIf and XCTSkipUnless were introduced to allow skipping tests at runtime. Call throw XCTSkip("message") and the test will be skipped. XCTSkipIf skips when the expression ...
You should not run./gradlew testor./gradlew connectedAndroidTestas this will execute tests againstallbuild variants which is both unnecessary and will result in failures as only thedemoDebugvariant is supported. No other variants have any tests (although this might change in future). ...
<action name="test" class="cn.itcast.oa.test.TestAction"> <result name="SUCCESS">/test.jsp</result> </action> </package> 把result标签中的name值设为了小写success,与代码中的SUCCESS不对应才出现了这样的错误!!! 革命的道路还很长啊,这么小的问题花了我好多时间。。。
The value of Completion is no result. The value of Lost packet ratio is not 0%. Unless otherwise specified, the following commands are run in the NQA test instance view. Possible Causes The value of the statistical item drop in the UDP jitter test result is ...
Sure sometimes I forget to add a file, but I almost always forget to gitignore things like result in a fresh repo. If files were auto added without a flag or option, the eval cache would trigger rebuilds as often as nix-build used to. Maybe (or certainly) I do not understand the ...