最近在windows端编译报错“error: no template named 'unique_ptr' in namespace 'std'”,一开始以为是vs2019版本的问题,后来又以为是window10 sdk版本的问题,来回卸了装、装了卸好几次也不行。最后通过在头文件里面 #include <memory> 解决 参考https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18078153/error-unique-ptr...
#include <memory> int main(void) { std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(1)); return 0; } Configurations in c_cpp_properties.json { "configurations": [ { "name": "Linux", "includePath": [ "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include", "${workspaceFolder}/**" ], "defines": [], "comp...
4std::ifstream _; 5std::unique_ptr<int> _; 6} 允许重定义,所以全部写在一起也不会存在问题。但是,重定义之后无法使用,Name Lookup 会出现歧义。 1voidg{ 2int_; 3_ =0;// OK 4int_;// OK, name independent declaration 5_ =0;// error: two non-function declarations in the lookup set ...
The analyzer has detected a problem. An object of the ′std::scoped_lock′ type is constructed without arguments passed to it — i.e., without lockable objects. This can lead to problems in a...
The only use of YAML in this project should be OpenMW compatibility. */ #include <iosfwd> #include <string> #include <sol/forward.hpp> namespace OpenMW::LuaUtil { sol::object loadYaml(const std::string& input, sol::this_state lua); } #endif // COMPONENTS_LUA_YAMLLOADER_H...
I am converting an old project in C++ to Visual studio 2013. when I build I get swarms of errors like thisError 9 error C2665: 'CObject::operator new' : none of the 3 overloads could convert all the argument types lThe line that causes this one is ...
as volume+ volume- brightness+ brightness- etc - if so maybe the function key 'mode' needs to be toggled (on mine, I have a Fn key on the keyboard for this - it toggles between 'normal' and 'special' when 'normal' mode is selected I can use all the function keys in VB edit ...
(as obtained via the hostname command): " -i "" HOSTNAME echo "" read -e -p "Please enter the IP Address of the Teamwork Cloud Node: " -i "" IPADDRESS echo "" JMXFILE=twcloud-$HOSTNAME.json sudo sed -e "s/HOST_NAME/$HOSTNAME/g" twcloud.json.template > $JMXFILE sudo ...
5std::unique_ptr<int> _; 6} 允许重定义,所以全部写在一起也不会存在问题。但是,重定义之后无法使用,Name Lookup 会出现歧义。 1voidg{ 2int_; 3_ =0;// OK 4int_;// OK, name independent declaration 5_ =0;// error: two non-function declarations in the lookup set ...
As reported in https://bugs.freebsd.org/278333, clang 18 asserts on the audio/noise-suppression-for-voice-lv2 port, with: Assertion failed: (result && "no existing substitution for template name"), function mangleExistingSubstitution, fi...