Wiretap is a transparent, VPN-like proxy server that tunnels traffic via WireGuard and requires no special privileges to run. - sandialabs/wiretap
Hello, Proxy requests to localhost have stopped working for me. I have a profile which uses a SOCKS4 proxy for all HTTP requests, including requests to localhost - i.e., I have an empty bypass list. This had been working for several mont...
This provider offers fast speeds thanks to its WireGuard protocol, which is the most important factor in decreasing lag in COD Warzone. Additionally, its huge selection of locations makes it easy to get easier lobbies and avoid the annoying SBMM that the game uses. While not the most intuitive...
Web3privacy now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy industry in web3: the most extensive database of privacy-enhancing solutions, the framework for PEDApps ideation, use-cases database & many more. Feel free to collaborate. donate BlockDescription Manifesto Research proje...
This is an iperf3 test wlan-->lan ; wlan--->device. asvio@MSI-7D25:~$ iperf3 -c -P 8 ; iperf3 -c -P 8 Connecting to host, port 5201 ... [SUM] 0.00-10.00 sec 704 MBytes 590 Mbits/sec 4480 sender [SUM] 0.00-10.00 sec 694 MBytes 58...
WireGuard Create Keys: wg genkey > priv | wg pubkey > pub Create config file: cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf [Interface] Address = DNS = PrivateKey = SERVER_PRIVATEKEY ListenPort = 51820 SaveConfig = true PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ipta...
This is the interface with a dedicated multicast route. Additionally, the adapter binds to my LAN segment towards my PPPoE modem enp1s0, to a wireguard device wg0, and to ppp0 twice. This is even wrong if two times wrong cancels itself out ;-) First, there seems to be some logic in...
What is the version of the add-on? 12.3.1 Steps to reproduce the issue Add as 'veto files' option: /ssl/* bug occurs, all files, even those in other shares or without a path containing /ssl/ at all disappear and such shares won't allow to create files. ...
Hi! Using /dev/mapper/control under Linux (Debian Buster standard image) gives following error: root@3d0b7c16263b:/tmp# kpartx -a /dev/nbd0 /dev/mapper/control: open failed: No such device Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper...
TheError listing NDIS interfacesis from: https://github.com/tailscale/wireguard-go/blob/main/tun/wintun/wintun_windows.go // handle returns a handle to the interface device object.func(wintun*Interface)handle() (windows.Handle,error) {interfaces,err:=setupapi.CM_Get_Device_Interface_List(win...