一、问题出现。安装界面出现No such file or directory 如下图1所示。 图1 TeX Live安装报错 No such file or directory 二、处理方法: 1、查看自己的用户名称是否是中文。操作步骤:按win+r ,然后输入cmd,点击确定,然后就可以看到自己的操作系统用户名。如果自己的用户名称是中文,请修改为英文名称!如图2与图3...
右击我的电脑-->属性-->高级系统设置-->环境变量在“用户变量”栏里,找到TEMP与TMP,分别双击, 将变量值都改为%SystemRoot%\TEMP 然后再安装一下,就好了!
报出错误:env: python3: No such file or directory 改为env python 就可以顺利执行。 在TextMate 的 Preferences -> variables 查看环境变量 PATH 的值为: $PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin 在MacOS 中,python3 的路径为 /usr/local/bin/python3,python 的路径为 /usr/bin/python 系...
in __init__ restore_signals, start_new_session) File "/Users/selih/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 1364, in _execute_child raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'latex': 'latex' <Figure siz...
Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/michelmooij/TEX-bestanden/Templates/Brief.log' At fs.js:549 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/michelmooij/TEX-bestanden/Templates/Brief.log' at Error (native) at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:549:18) at...
etree\ElementTree.py", line 1224, in parse tree.parse(source, parser) File "D:\apps\Python\Python310\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py", line 569, in parse source = open(source, "rb") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\TexTemp\\Tex\\42c962cc458aefe6.svg'...
1.编译时遇到找不到文件的错误:比如fatal error: cocos-ext.h: No such file or directory , fatal error: CocosGUI.h: No such file or directory等。 原因:1,可能android.mk中没有加入对应的cpp文件。2,在xcode下开发。能够直接#include "cocos-ext.h",由于xcode会自己主动匹配路径,但转到android下,就要...
图1 错误“No such file or directory”我的MinGW是CodeBlocks12.11自带的版本,并且用CodeBlocks编译(编译器是MinGW)没有... 分享11赞 mingw吧 石水2 错误"No such file or directory"我的MingGW是CodeBlocks12.11里面自带的版本,在CodeBlocks界面里面编译运行hello.c时一切正常,当时当我拿到命令行里编译时却总是...
When I use the custom AXI peripheral with MicroBlaze, I receive the error as "fatal error: xil_printf.h: No such file or directory" in Vitis IDE 2020.2. Please find the attached image file for the block diagram. Can anyone sug