在Terminal或者iTerm2上登录远端Linux时,Linux的prompt提示 setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory 登录Linux后无法正常显示中文 原因 Mac下设置为英文后,locale字符集默认是”C”,Terminal或者iTerm2中有选项会自动设置LC_CTYPE或者LC_LANG为UTF-8 Mac下ssh客户端的配置文...
在Terminal或者iTerm2上登录远端Linux时,Linux的prompt提示 setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory 登录Linux后无法正常显示中文 原因 Mac下设置为英文后,locale字符集默认是”C”,Terminal或者iTerm2中有选项会自动设置LC_CTYPE或者LC_LANG为UTF-8 Mac下ssh客户端的配置文...
在MacOS 10.15的系统中,在添加应用程序路径时,如在vs code 中添加app path等,可能会出现"xxx.app: No such file or directory" 的错误, 解决方法如下: 找到app的文件,右击选择“显示包内容” image.png 继续打开里面的文件夹,直到找到对应的 Unix可执行文件 image.png 将该文件的路径填入app path 的位置,即...
打开Mac终端控制台出现:-bash: /Users/xxx/.profile: No such file or directory 的问题如图: error_img 原因是环境变量出现了问题,使用命令打开编辑.bash_profile: vim ~/.bash_profile 或者open~/.bash_profile terminal.png 将source ~/.profile 删除,然后在第一行编辑加入: exportPATH=/usr/local/bin:/u...
报错: Error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /Users/dengzhaoping/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/871d514d6f1d3ab52b043202be80956071a3177883c784966e62013955530685--utf8proc-2.6.1.monterey.bottle.tar.gz; 以我是包的问题:找了一圈也没有找到好的解决问题,最后发现是镜像源配置的问题,可...
terminal keeps respoding with "No such file or directory" ive been trying to give permission for a script to run but everytime i enter the command "cd /Users/user/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles" it either says command not found or "No such file or directory" MacBook Pro...
I've got new macbook pro M1 couple of days ago. I am trying to start some Java project inside Intellij Ultimate and got error `no such file or directory` but files in question exists, and I use the completely the same setup on older imac ...
No such file or directory Hi, I am using macOS Ventura 13.2 on my air. While running the terminal I get no such file or directory exists. MacBook Air 13″, macOS 13.2 Posted on Feb 22, 2023 8:42 AM Me too (2) Reply Question marked as Best reply User profile for user:...
我在terminal 执行这段 说cat: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directory写回答 关注 1回答 liuwei御剑网子 2016-10-15 18:50:07 已采纳 首先要知道cat命令的作用 确定文件是存在的,而不是直接执行 可用ll先看下文件列表 1 0 兮兮酱 谢谢,我自个儿看错了安装的系统,我应该是Mac下的,但是...
in open raise SerialException(msg.errno, "could not open port {}: {}".format(self._port, msg)) serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB1: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB1' The terminal process failed to launch (exit code: 1)...