They’d have short-back-and-sides haircuts because they were told their mumcouldn’thandlecombinglong hair. Literature Ahora, sólonolo uses parapeinartu cabello y hacer promesas a mujeres quenoconservarás. Now, justdon'tuse it tocombyour hair and make promises to women youwon'tkeep. ...
I can’t wait for the Pope.My mother used to joke about her friends who owned fancy china and crystal sets, but never brought them out because they were “saving” them “In case the Pope comes.” Just this last week, I was talking to the women in my book club, and I was shocked...
And so it begins. The “pretty boy” image may soon be a thing of the past if the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA), previously known as SARFT, has anything to say about it… and they do. In a meeting held on September 16, th...