Ghassan Assali and his wife both have regime flag profile pictures, indeed, there is a lot of pro-regime content on (particularly) Ghassan’s page. One of his shared memes was celebrating that Hillary Clinton would have to “Go Away” rather than Assad. I left a comment on that meme (...
The high poverty schools are the ones that are struggling the most.More than half of our public school students live below the poverty line. They need help! And stop offering funding with strings attached!We’ll let you buy books for your students if you use these fancy new standards that ...
Memes aside, SAUCE can be thought of a way of attaching source information to binary. Use-Cases SAUCE should generally be only used for file and data types it supports. If you want to use SAUCE, be sure to read the SAUCE specification to you fully understand the implications and reasons ...
but now the reality of cutting the uni apron strings is really setting in. Tying to map out my “next steps” has not been a delight. It has been more of a drudgery. It has brought out all sorts of feels – anxiety,