Obana Y, Shibata K, Nishino T (1991) Adherence of serratia marcescens in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections in diabetic mice. J Med Microbiol 35:93–97 PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft (1994) Konsensuskonferenz zur Einteilung parenteraler Cephalosporine. Chemother J 3:1...
(e.g.Casuarina equisetifolia), where they soon strike roots on the bark. The plant is anepiphyte. It flowers at the end of 2 or 3 years and continues to produce fruit for 30–40 years. The flowers are usually pollinated by women and children, a pointed stick being introduced into one...
I don't think Microsoft Outlook has ever "shut down cleanly." The iCloud Photo stream is supposed to show the last 1000 pictures across all my iOS devices. Mine shows 734. Dunno why. The answer? Uninstall, reinstall, stop, start, restart. Where's that email I sent you? Likely stuck ...