NoSQLInjector is a CLI tool for testing Datastores that do not depend on SQL as a query language. nosqli aims to be a simple automation tool for identifying and exploiting NoSQL Injectionvectors. Usage: nosqli [command] Available Commands: help Help about any command scan Scan endpoint for...
NoSQL databases often offer performance and scaling benefits. Yet these databases are still potentially vulnerable to injection attacks, even if they aren’t using the traditional SQL syntax. Because these NoSQL injection attacks may execute
但是这并不意味着NoSQL数据库就百分百安全。NoSQL注入漏洞第一次由Diaspora在2010年发现,到现在,NoSQL注入和SQL注入一样,如果开发者不注重,同样会对企业服务器造成致命威胁。 这次,根据PHP CMS Cockpit中存在的几个漏洞,来学习NoSQL Injection。这几个漏洞被分配了3个CVE,分别是CVE-2020-35848、CVE-2020-35847和...
$ nosqliNoSQLInjector is a CLI tool for testing Datastores thatdo not depend on SQL as a query language.nosqli aims to be a simple automation tool for identifying and exploitingNoSQL Injection vectors.Usage:nosqli [command]Available Commands:help Help about any commandscan Scan endpoint for ...
NoSQLInjector is aCLItoolfortesting Datastores thatdonot depend onSQLasa query language.nosqli aims to be a simple automation toolforidentifying and exploiting NoSQL Injection vectors.Usage:nosqli[command]Available Commands:help Help about any command ...
Nosqli当前支持针对MongoDB的NoSql注入检测,该工具目前可以执行下列测试: 基于错误的测试:注入各种字符和Payload,扫描已知的Mongo错误响应; 布尔盲注测试:注入包含True/False参数的Payload,并尝试判断是否存在注入点; 基于时间的测试:尝试向目标服务器注入时间延迟,并根据响应判断是否存在注入点; ...
Nosqli currently supports nosql injection detection for Mongodb. It runs the following tests: Error based - inject a variety of characters and payloads, searching responses for known Mongo errors Boolean Blind injection - inject parameters with true/false payloads and attempt to determine if an ...
借用开源关系型数据库MySQL(本文选择MySQL在Github上的默认branch 5.7版本,不同版本或其他语言驱动和数据库可能有区别),我们来具体看一下上面那条最简单的SQL查询语句在各阶段的情况(服务器对于不同的Command指令也可能会有不同的处理方式,甚至一些其他的中间处理过程也会形成攻击面,这里以思路为主,不详细展开)。
CouchDB:一个面向文档的NoSQL数据库,它允许你以JSON格式存储数据,并通过HTTP进行访问2。 HBase:一个开源的非关系型分布式数据库(NoSQL),它是Apache Hadoop项目的一部分,提供了类似于Google’s Bigtable的能力1。 Neo4j:一个图形数据库管理系统,它通过图形结构存储数据,适用于处理复杂的关系网络1。 Elasticsearch:...
would be another case of a Blind NoSQL Injection where we would make incremental guesses to observe responses, because the result set is always stripped of any sensitive fields. But then we realized that we could leak values by throwing an error inside the$whereoperator’s JavaScript expression...