A few example uses: Growing plants faster Smelting ores faster Increasing mob spawner speed There is one main Torcherino, and then there are various upgrades that add onto them. Many of these things are configurable in the mod configuration file which is calledTorcherino.cfgand is in theconfi...
试炼刷怪笼(Trial Spawner)是一种在《我的世界》1.21中“试炼大厅”中生成的特殊刷怪笼,那么这试炼刷怪笼一共有多少种类型,玩家又应该如何区分,以及每一种刷怪笼中所生成的特殊生物又是什么? 1、旋风人炼刷怪笼 Minecraft的试炼刷怪笼与普通刷怪笼不同,试炼刷怪笼都是自带一个底座的。以旋风人为例,旋...
--- Minecraft Crash Report --- // Everything's going to plan. No, really, that was supposed to happen. Time: 07/06/14 14:31 Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/pitman87/FamiliarsAPI/common/FamiliarDataShee...