沪江词库精选no soap是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 不行,不知道,没有用 相似短语 no soap 不行,不知道,没有用 soft soap n. 软皂,奉承 basic soap 碱性皂 ammonium soap 铵皂 carpet soap 地毯皂 compound soap 复合皂 doublet soap 联皂 floating soap 浮水皂 hard ...
soap就是failed,in vain,可以方便地记忆为“没戏”例如:I tried to persude Tom into the club,but no soap.我企图说服汤姆入社,但是失败了。
no soap 美 英 na.无结果 网络不行;没希望;不可能 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 无结果,不成功 不接受(建议,要求等) 释义: 全部,无结果,不行,没希望,不可能
读音:美英 no soap基本解释 不行 分词解释 soap肥皂
Define There is no soap. There is no soap synonyms, There is no soap pronunciation, There is no soap translation, English dictionary definition of There is no soap. There is no soap Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Looking for no soap? Find out information about no soap. soap, a cleansing agent. It cleanses by lowering the surface tension of water, by emulsifying grease, and by absorbing dirt into the foam. Ancient peoples... Explanation of no soap
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Saddle soap一种洗皮革用的肥皂 Apply soap to(sb/sth);rub with soap将肥皂涂在(某人[某物])上;用肥皂擦 Jasmine soap leaves a quiet fragrance.茉莉香皂,给您留下淡淡清香。 They kill soap stock by boiling with alkali他们用加碱煮沸的方法处理肥皂原料。 Cut out the soft soap; flattery will get ...
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1609 -- 13:29 App Soapmamka 酥脆皂几个 超酥脆 1535 -- 10:36 App SOAP UA 一刮掉粉脆皂 1152 -- 12:31 App Startseva Soap 一刮掉粉干硬皂 2413 1 14:00 App Juli Soap 泡水皂质感看不够 1255 -- 16:31 App Soapmamka 质感好得一匹 1130 -- 14:18 App Amazing Soap 脆皂颜值质感...