答案是:No vaping. 所以,如果回到开头说的飞机上提示“禁止吸烟也包括电子烟”这句话,用英语表达,最准确的说法应该是:No smoking or vaping. 国外街头禁烟的公示语标识都是这样写,既对仗工整又意思准确,这是最佳表达方法。 知道了电子烟的由来,大家也...
Nosmoking禁止在本场所吸烟或吸电子烟标识消防安全标志警示贴纸 广州峰凡电子科技有限公司10年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 广州市 ¥0.30 跨境现货热销自粘乙烯基禁止吸烟不干胶贴纸防水NoSmoking Sign 跨境一路发发工厂店7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 浙江 杭州市滨江区 ...
5No Smoking No Vaping nCigae Unsafe★water Waikwa closed17.(10分)(1)The first sign tells you that you can't there. A.talk about dogs B.play sports C.play with children D.walk dogs(2) Which sign might you see at a gas station () ? A. B. C. D. 相关知识点: 试题来源:...
No Smoking = No Vaping?Susan K. Lessack
News outlets report allpublic schoolsin the state are required to have a sign posted stating they're a tobacco-free zone, but this year a symbol has been added to also ban e-cigarette use, also called vaping. Pitt County Health Department Coordinator Tiffany Thigpen told WNCT the state recei...
As the UK's leading vape shop and e-cigarette specialists, VPZ offers free UK delivery on orders over £19.99 and aims to use vaping to facilitate a smoke-free future. Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking (Public Health England), and with the assistance of our vaping specialists,...
AΠNOTICE NOTICE Children's No Smoking play area No dogs No Vaping allowed No E-CigarettesΠIV GE R Unsafe DO NO water ENTER Do not use for Walkway drinking, washing or cooking closed(C)31. What does the first sign mean? A. You can't play sports. B. You should play with children...
The code of conductis certainly not limited to loitering. It forbids customers from misusing cafes, discrimination or harassment, abusive language, outside alcohol consumption, smoking, vaping and pandhandling. The policy also lets people know that they could be asked to leave if they violate the...