message flash on the bottom of the phone when my calls are dropped. But my phone Wifi is completely off. Not just not connected to Wifi, whole service is OFF! Wifi Calling is also off! I was sent a new Sim Card by at ATT and that didn't fix anything. I also res...
I let it back up and everything seems to be on but it won’t let me call out or receive calls!! it says no sim but there is a SIM card! I have re started several times!!! 3 years ago 199 1 My phone is saying no SIM card I can’t use it to call. My phone says no ...
Reinsert the SIM card, making sure to properly align the card with the tray. Once the SIM card tray is secured in place, turn your phone on to see if the error has been resolved. Note: When handling the SIM card tray, be careful not to break or deform the tray. Chec...
SIM card No sim keeps appearing on my phone and I can’t make any phone calls. 1 year ago 162 3 My phone says No SIM. I can’t use the phone for calls or text. What can I do ? I have had no problems till today. Now when I try to call or text it will not go through...
Part 1: Why Does My Android Phone Say No SIM Card Inserted? Part 2: What to Do If My Android Phone Says No SIM Card Inserted? Bonus Tips: How to Recover Contacts from SIM Card? Part 1: Why Does My Android Phone Say No SIM Card Inserted?
When a phone displays the error “No SIM Card Detected”, the device cannot recognize the SIM card, preventing access to essential services such as calls,
Without a SIM card, your phone would still work; however, you won’t be able to call or text anyone using wireless data over 4G or 5G. What Does No SIM Mean on iPhone When iPhone says no SIM, it means that your device is unable to recognize or detect the presence of a SIM card....
Sim card issues are quite common in iPhones. When your iPhone shows SIM errors, this means that you can’t use your phone’s wireless data. Moreover, the SIM issue means you can’t call anyone, and neither can you receive calls. It’s pretty upsetting to see the SIM card error, espe...
If the other SIM cards work fine, your SIM Card is the problem. In this case, call your mobile phone carrier and ask for a replacement. See also - How To Fix The SIM Card Not Provisioned MM#2 Error On Samsung Solution 3: Activate SIM Card or USIM cards Another simple and ...
I woke up yesterday morning, my phone was saying “No SIM card Installed” (a popup message on the home screen). You may also experience this problem: (a) you may notice the “No SIM” notification in the status bar (top left corner) or (b) a popup alert notification may say “No...