如果电脑开机时出现 "no signal" 的错误消息,表示显示器无法接收到来自电脑的信号。这可能是由以下几个原因引起的:1. 请确保电脑与显示器之间的连接线(如HDMI、VGA、DVI等)已正确连接,并确保连接牢固。2. 检查显示器是否打开,并且处于正确的输入模式。可以尝试按下显示器上的输入源按钮或菜单按钮...
HDMINo signal,断电开机之后为啥显示没有信号了 解决方案:1. 如果你的机器是集成显卡的:查看是否插错,检查主板是否有问题。2. 如果你的机器原来正常,可能是由于以下原因:内存条或显卡可能因震荡而松脱,长时间不用而生锈,或因环境潮湿、灰尘等原因导致接触不良。解决方法:使用干燥的毛巾或卫生纸擦...
Whenever my Lenovo laptop(S145-15IIL Laptop (ideapad) - Type 81W8) is connected to the TV using HDMI cable via a signal switch, the TV cannot receive the signal, but it can be received when connected directly without a switch. This happened to two diff...
I tried to connect the HDMI out to the HDMI in on a podium computer at a college. The Extron Monitor continually shows "No Signal". If it is plugged directly into the scaler, it works fine, but does not work at at when connected to the HDMI in on the top of the podium. Any ...
when connected to laptop using hdmi to usb c. the input is hdmi member posts: 4 new user i bought an external monitor yesterday to use with my laptop. yesterday when i connected it, it automatically displayed the screen. today it says "no signal". my...
This time, the monitors are not showing at all, and simply display "No signal" when connected via HDMI or DisplayPort. I know the cables and monitors work since I can connect them to my laptop directly and independently. I can also see the moni...
这个提示是显示器没有信号输入,这种情况一般是主机硬件故障或者接触不良导致的,拔插内存,清理金手指,或者换条内存试试,不行的话,如果是独立显卡,同样方法检查显卡,再不行,就看看主板是否有电容爆浆等明显损坏,或者换个主机电源试试,还不行的话,就只能把电脑主机送修了 ...