沽岛是泰国第四大岛。超六星酒店索尼娃奇瑞(Soneva Kiri)便坐落于此。“无鞋无新闻(no news no shoes)”是Soneva Kiri提出的口号。其在建筑的设计上融合自然美,在客人的体验上颠覆了人们对别墅的认知,还有露天电影等丰富的娱乐活动,造就了这个独立于世外的桃花源。不管有没有到过这里,都跟随我们一起来看看...
索尼瓦奇瑞度假村 “Slow Life”、“No News,No Shoes”、“环境保护”、“树顶餐厅”等标签就一直与它相关,Soneva Kiri的确是达到了这种质朴风格的顶峰。Soneva的独特理念,贯穿与整个度假村中,不论是环境、别墅、餐厅,还是人、服务,都让Soneva Kiri成为最值得去度假的目的地。 Soneva Kiri度假村世外桃源般的地理...
在马尔代夫的魔富士岛上,有一块牌子, 上面写着“No News,No Shoes”, 坐着水上飞机登岛的人们第一眼就能看到。 There is a sign standing on the entrance of Moofushi, Maldives, saying "No News, No shoes". 在岛上的工作人员几乎都不会穿鞋, 连驾驶水上飞机的驾驶员都是随意地光着脚, 这大概是当地...
🇲🇻️😎🌴"No shoes, no news(不穿鞋,没新闻)"是马尔代夫的哲学,这里是彻底进行身心排毒的天堂。认识善良、热情和谦逊的当地人是旅行中最好玩的事情!旅行最大的好处是教你理解不同的三观,体会他人的想法,发自内心学会尊重差异性😊 #跟着Jeremy去旅行##告别宅时代##带着微博去旅行# ...
Her journey is like a rich travelogue with personal experiences at the heart of the narrative. From Bangkok she heads to Chiang Mai and then over to Railay Beach in the company of younger woman Summer. Each day brings new challenges and Lori is not one to shirk adventure. She soon has a...
No News, No Shoes in Our Own Private Maldives; KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES: Dylan's Wife Sarah with Daughters Georgia and Edie, Inset, in Their Villa at Soneva Gili, Main Picture 'CAN WE COME BACK SOON, DADDY?' Edie,Dylan and Georgia on Soneva Fushi.The Girls Loved the Island. Left...
一些成双成对的名词通常只有复数形式,常见的有jeans (牛仔裤)、headphones (耳机)、trousers (裤子)、clothes (衣服)、pants (短裤)、glasses (眼镜)、shoes (鞋子)、sunglasses (太阳镜)、scissors (剪刀)、compasses (圆规)。这些名词可单独作主语,动词用复数形式,也可用......
No news from any foreign coast — No park — no ring — no afternoon gentility — No company — no nobility — No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member — No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, ...
No shirt, no shoes, no public serviceHelena Andrews
Do you know the first thing that God says to Moses? He says, "Take off your shoes." Because this is holy ground, all evidence to the contrary. It's hard to believe, but it's the truest thing I know. 你知道上帝对摩西说的第一件事吗?他说:“脱下你的鞋子。”因为你所站之地是圣地...