1. 确认问题背景 /tmp/tmux-1000/default 是tmux 的默认套接字(socket)文件路径,用于存储会话信息。当你看到“no server running”的错误时,通常意味着 tmux 服务器没有在这个路径上运行,或者你的会话已经断开。 2. 检查tmux服务器状态 要确认是否有 tmux 服务器正在运行,你可以使用以下命令: bash tmux ls ...
no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default no sessions 需要,先手动起一个 tmux, 然后退出,再启动 tmuxinator。非常浪费时间。 Google 了一下解决方法 修改~/.tmux.config, 注释掉配置 set -g status-utf8 on 即可。原因是,这个配置已废弃。。。 另一起问题 $ tmuxinator daily /usr/lib/...
no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default no sessions 需要,先手动起一个 tmux, 然后退出,再启动 tmuxinator。非常浪费时间。 Google 了一下解决方法 修改~/.tmux.config, 注释掉配置 set -g status-utf8 on 即可。原因是,这个配置已废弃。。。 另一起问题 $ tmuxinator daily /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_r...
tmux failed and got the message: failed to connect to se... Guan-Zhong Huang Re: tmux failed and got the message: failed to conn... Michael Wild Re: tmux failed and got the message: failed to ... Robert Pendell Re: tmux failed and got the message: failed... Michael Wild Re: tmu...
mode-keys vi + set -g status-keys emacs (the vi status-keys are quite odd) + some minor modifications to make it slightly more vim-like (since, e.g., for some reason tmux only defaults the emacs-style search to incremental, and yanking does not cancel the visual selection by default...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME ansible-vault ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2.5.0 CONFIGURATION OS / ENVIRONMENT N/A SUMMARY I have organized my configs into a role based directory structure. Some of those roles have default variable file...
Good day. I'm trying to install tmux in cygwin (running under windows 8 if it is important) from this guidance:http://java.ociweb.com/mark/programming/tmuxInCygwin.htmlI've tried to install libevent from the sources, but cannot configure it:user@host~/src/libevent-2.0.21-stable $ ....