Security Associations (1 up, 0 connecting): home[1]: ESTABLISHED 30 minutes ago, my_vpsip[my_vps_ip]...my_home_ip[my_home_ip] home{1}: INSTALLED, TUNNEL, reqid 1, ESP SPIs: ce9b32e6_i 96369de8_o home{1}: === ifconfig lo Link encap:Local Lo...
Die für eine IPsec-Verbindung notwendigen zwei Security Associations (in beide Richtungen eine) werden mit IKEv1 automatisch verwaltet. Auch das gelegentliche Wechseln der einzelnen Schlüs 催促者 kommt IKEv1 讲话。IKEv1 ist ein Protokoll zur automatischen Verwaltung von 安全协会毛皮 das IPsec-...
holiday carols, and even many popular holiday songs, predate the era of recorded music, which is the focus of the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame. And whileeight Christmas albums have won a GRAMMY, nine more holiday classics have been inducted into the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame ...
myvpn: local: [213.X.X.X] uses pre-shared key authentication myvpn: remote: [200.X.X.X] uses pre-shared key authentication myvpn: child: === TUNNEL Security Associations (1 up, 0 connecting): myvpn[2]: ESTABLISHED 22 minutes ago, 213.X.X.X[213.X.X...
established legal principles and norms and where there is no conflict with changes introduced by the General Assembly in establishing [...] 因此,秘书长建议大会确认行政法庭判例继续具有相 关性和说服力,在这些判例反映既定法律原则和规范的情况下,以及这些判例与 大会在建立新内部...
long as thereisno conflict withtheLaw on Associations. 执行条 例第 46 条规定,社团由其本身章程,包括其基本章程所规定的理事会 管理,只要这些章程与《社团法》不相冲突。 ...
In this particular phase, participants justify their positioning with pornography turning into a matter of “consumption” by referring to culturally established narratives of the ubiquity of pornography within a perceived hyper-sexualized culture [e.g., “porn is everywhere” (No. 7, 668), “sca...
aSo far, there is no unified national youth hostel associations in China, only Guangdong Youth Hostel Association is a national one by one through the Member organization recognized by the International Youth Hostel Federation, International Youth Hostel Federation was established in Guangzhou and Manpow...
as originally established or subsequently amended, shall provide for the use of designatory letters by members of the Association unless and until they shall have been approved by the Association in general meeting and by the Lords of Our Most Honourable Privy Council (of which approval a Certific...
Following Reza Khan’s 1925 military invasion of Al Ahwaz in 1925 and the ousting of Sheikh Khazaal, Ahwazi independence and sovereignty were formally denied when Al Ahwaz was annexed to become part of the newly established nation of Iran in 1934. Since then, several Ahwazi Arab uprisings ha...